The Caregiver Cup Podcast
Empowering caregivers with knowledge, resources and tools so they can be the best they can be. This podcast focuses on ways for the caregiver to reduce stress, burnout, can embrace moments of joy in their new normal. Listen weekly to Cathy's personal experiences, coaching, tips, inspiration, and interviews.
The Caregiver Cup Podcast
Latest Episodes
Feeling Drained? How Just 10% of Your Day Can Refill Your Caregiver Cup
Caregiver Reset: Finding Clarity and Balance After Burnout
Caregiver Strong: Cathy’s Personal Updates & Advocacy Insights
Where We Belong: A Personal Pause and Finding What Matters Most
Never-Ending Lemons: Finding Resilience in Caregiving
Fan Mail
I absolutely love your podcasts, a huge thank you!! And a very Merry Christmas to you, your husband and family!! My commute to work is 5 min., so I haven’t been listening regularly. Lately I’ve been feeling a bit blue, and overwhelmed. I’ve been my mom’s caregiver for 3 years now. I do ok most days. However I’m left with a heavy heart seeing her health decline. I have just started trying to get in a daily walk. And make more time for some down time. Again, thank you for all that you share, it is greatly appreciated!! ❤️Angel
Fort Lauderdale, Florida